Haitian Development Network Foundation

    Empowering Small-Scale Farmers in Haiti

    Cultivating Hope in the Face of Limited Landholdings

    In Haiti, agricultural households typically cultivate small areas, with an average landholding of just 1.3 hectares. This is similar to the land-scarce regions of Sub-Saharan Africa, where over 80% of farms are smaller than 1.5 hectares. Female-headed households tend to have even smaller plots and are less likely to lease in or lease out land compared to their male counterparts.

    Nurturing Soil Fertility, Boosting Productivity

    Despite the challenges of limited land, many Haitian farmers are proactively improving soil fertility through practices like crop rotation and fallowing. This rational approach helps them maximize the benefits of their land, even when cultivating infertile areas may be costly.

    Bridging the Gender Gap in Agriculture

    While male-headed households are more likely to use purchased inputs like fertilizers and pesticides, female-headed households are not far behind. With the right support, these resilient women can unlock their full potential as agricultural producers and contributors to rural livelihoods.

    Diversifying for Food Security and Income

    Haitian farm households engage in a diverse range of activities, from growing food crops to raising livestock and engaging in forestry. Those who cultivate cash crops are more likely to be non-poor and food secure, highlighting the importance of market-oriented production.